Vision of NPO Green School Fujino
★Development of Independent Experience Activity Instructors
We foster instructors who can independently create and implement original experiential content. Our goal is to provide high-quality experiential activities through ongoing training and feedback.
★Strengthening Organizational Support Systems
We provide necessary resources and information to support communication and growth among instructors. Additionally, we offer marketing support using social media and websites.
★Providing Educational Programs that Promote Coexistence with Satoyama
Through experiential learning in natural environments and environmental education activities, we teach children the importance of nature and encourage contributions to solving environmental problems.
★Strengthening Collaboration with the Local Community
In cooperation with local businesses, non-profit organizations, and public institutions, we plan and execute a variety of projects and events. We value the sense of unity in the entire community, nurturing solidarity and pursuing overall regional development and social transformation.
The philosophy of NPO Green School Fujino is deeply rooted in the understanding that the universe and everything within it are fundamentally interconnected. This principle is further reinforced by advancements in modern science, such as the theory of the quantum vacuum energy field. This theory suggests that all events in the universe are interconnected at a microscopic level and our thoughts and actions might be recorded in the cosmos in some form.
At Green School Fujino, we incorporate this concept of cosmic interconnection into our educational and experiential activities, aiming to help participants learn and feel the importance of unity with nature. We encourage self-recognition as part of the Earth and its ecosystem, guided by the spirit of “we are all one.” Through the sense of wonder, we promote the rediscovery of the marvels and beauty of nature in our daily lives. The school aims to deepen the understanding that we are connected with the past, present, future, and the entire universe, leading towards a more sustainable and harmonious way of living.